Sunday, July 20, 2008

misadventures at the high school reunion

Yeppers, it was my 20th high school reunion (what's that you say? I look like I should be going to my 10th high school reunion? You're too kind. Really. But do go on if you like...), held in good old Bowling Green, Ohio last week.

I'm not the type to smile demurely and hold polite conversation while daintily nibbling on a puff pastry, holding out my hand to shake. No, I'm more of the latter category--the one who accidentally spills beer on a friend, runs down the length of the bar to hug someone, and emits sharp squeals when sighting long-lost buddies.

And even though I love where I live and what I do for a living, I have zero desire to talk myself up. Instead, I'd rather reminisce about the time that I sold Jeff M. my bike for $10 in 8th grade (and yes, he still has it), or the time that Janeen and I had a bet that you couldn't sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.

I've never really taken myself that seriously, and I still don't. That's why my favorite conversations were about each other's misadventures--about how my friend X hired a private detective to snoop on her ex-husband, or about how friend Y was scrounging for change to pay for the reunion and laughed at how pathetic it would be if she had to pay in quarters. You had to be there, but it resulted in much cackling at our own misfortunes. Because that's what life is about. Not pretending that everything is great (even when it usually is), but laughing at yourself.

Anyway, it was certainly real to see everyone--since I was born and raised in the same small town, I have known some of those people since nursery school!

The photo above is my all-time favorite picture of the event, taken with some of my favorite people: Heather Mc., Adam Mc., and Diane Mc., AKA The Four Mcs. (And none of the misadventure stories relates to any of those pictured, by the by.)
