Sunday, June 15, 2008

Never Leave Home Without...

I'm so not into new technology. My TV is the same little guy I bought in '96, small enough to fit into my bookshelf thingie in my living room. The only reason I have a DVD player is because my VCR finally broke down after 10 years of trusty service, so I relented. The only reason I'm not still carrying around a yellow Sony Walkman (remember those?) while I run is because I got an iPod as a gift a couple years ago. And, while I'm on that topic, the only reason I upgraded my iPod to a shinier version was thanks to my friendly neighborhood burglar who stole my last one from my house (thanks, dude--give me a few years until there are further upgrades, though, will ya, then it's all yours again).

I just don't see the point of upgrading to something else when the original is working just fine, knowwhatimean,vern?

So imagine my surprise when I came home one night last month after dinner with friends, sat down on the couch, and announced to my boyfriend Eric the following statement: "I think I actually want an iPhone!" It all started with my new friend Leslie, who whipped out her iPhone when we were talking about our dogs, and here she had all these clear pics to display while I was left with a little blurry yellow blob on my cell phone pictures. While I thought it was cool, it certainly wasn't enough to dazzle me enough to actually switch phones. What really brought me over to the iPhone side was the next time I was out with Leslie and another new friend who had just moved to town, Jessica (this "new friend who just moved to town" stuff is happening all the time since I happen to live in the coolest city on earth, you see). At the end of the night, they were trying to figure out how to get back to Northwest neighborhood from the restaurant, and which bridge to take. It was just getting to that point in the conversation that I hate, where people are actually asking ME directions (not a good idea typically), when Jessica said, "oh, I can figure it out," and whipped out HER iPhone. That's when she showed me the magical map feature of this guy. You push a button and it shows your current location and then you just punch in where you want to go and it gives you the route.

Okay. That?? Is so totally and completely mind-bogglingly cool!! Dare I say life-changing? It's what swayed me to get one--with the help of aforementioned boyfriend, who surprised me with one on my birthday last month.

What does this have to do with misadventures, you may ask? Because I get lost ALL the time. And 82.9 percent of the time, I'm like "oh, I'll figure it out when I get there, it can't be THAT hard," only to end up circling the block hundreds of times.

That, of course, was before I had my iPhone in my death grip at all times.


Friday, June 13, 2008

My New Motto

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." There you have it, my summation of this them thar blogospheric thing. After a coupla years of eyeball-rolling at the blog explosion, I've joined in.

Feel free to lob produce in my general direction, call me a joiner, even tell me that I've sold out (although, since I'm writing this for free, that last point would be rather silly). It's okay. I can take it. You done? You, in the back, with the tomato, you gonna throw that thing or what?

Okay, now that we have that out of the way, I must admit something. Two years ago, I was in this very same predicament in which I currently find myself. I put up a website, you see, even though I thought it was kind of obnoxious at the time, but I felt that it was one of those nebulous things (did I use that word right? I just like saying it...) where I didn't really know why I needed one, but it just seemed the The Thing To Do. In those two years, I've figured out why I needed a website. (I'll spare you the fascinating details, but it involves the whole editors-realizing-you're-somewhat-legitimate aspect.)

When I posted my intro. for my website, I even started off proudly saying that "what you won't find is a blog of me going on and on about myself." Well, that's still pretty true. While I still don't really exactly precisely know why I need a blog, I'm just followin' the crowd on this one hoping to reach enlightenment in the next couple of years.

In the meantime, I shall view this blog as a journal of my misadventures. Because there are a lot of 'em. And as a writer, I feel the need to get things in writing.
